Table behavior

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Wed Apr 6 19:42:33 EDT 2005

> I have just started playing around with fields that have "table" 
> behavior. I was planning on writing a little spreadsheet program. 
> However, it appears that the closeField message is not sent to the 
> field when its behavior is like a Table.
> This can be demonstrated: create a new Table from the toolbox. Put 
> this in its script:
> on closefield
>   answer "closefield was called"
> end closefield
> When the user edits a cell and then clicks on a different field, no 
> message is sent.
> But when the "Cell Editing" property of the field is turned off, then 
> the message is sent as I expected.
> I'd like to know when the data in the field changes. But if closefield 
> doesn't work (and exitfield is sent only when data is not changed) 
> then what do you use?
I don't know the answer, but here is a technique for finding out. Open 
the Message Watcher from the Development menu, make sure the 
Suppress... list is not suppressing handlers not handled. Then type in 
a cell and click somewhere else and see if any messages are generated.


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