[ANN] Thumbnails Picker 1.1 released

Éric Chatonet eric.chatonet at wanadoo.fr
Mon Apr 4 11:22:20 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

Thumbnails Picker 1.1 is available from http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/
This version includes now 4 output compression types : JPEG Auto, JPEG 
Manual, PNG and GIF (With Thumbnails Picker 1.0, only JPEG Manual was 

By drag and drop, Thumbnails Picker lets you create JPEG, PNG or GIF 
optimized thumbnails from any JPEG, PNG, GIF or BMP file.
Creation per unit, or fully automated batch processing.
JPEG quality and dimensions choice (from 20 up to 360 pixels large).
Bilingual software (English/French).
Identical appearance on all platforms.

Best regards,

Eric Chatonet.

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch
Web site   http://www.sosmartsoftware.com/
Email   eric.chatonet AT sosmartsoftware.com/
Post   24, Bd de Port-Royal 75005 Paris
Phone   (33) 143 317 762
Mobile   (33) 620 745 086

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