revUnloadSpeech rev2.5

PaulBuzzy at PaulBuzzy at
Wed Sep 22 19:00:15 EDT 2004

I think there is a bug, but I have not gone to bugzilla again (I did report a 
previous bug). 

First of all, at least with my tests, if you do not call revUnloadSpeech then 
a standalone will not quit properly and remains in the task list under 
Windows (XP at least).

Here's the fix. If you launch RunRev by double-clicking on your stack and not 
the RunREv App icon, then for some reason, revUnloadSpeech is not recognized. 
However, if you first launch RunRev and then open your stack from within 
RunRev, reUnloadSpeech is recognized.

Speaking of odd behaviour. This happens in one of my apps. If you copy some 
text to the clipboard from a field and then delete the field, the clipboard 
loses the text. I use this workaround:

put the selectedChunk into tempSelect
set the clipboardData["html"] to the htmlText of the selection
select tempSelect

Hope this helps. Paul


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