General Question From Potential User

MisterX b.xavier at
Wed Sep 15 13:12:29 EDT 2004

Need I say more in favor of RunRev?

Simpler, you build the application visually and program it so or the old
centralized way (better for bigger projects). The controls usually control their
own events directly. That's more than half the battle! By the time you get to
display a field in RealBasic, your program is halfway done in RunRev.

If you look at the thread in this list regarding linux, titled unix man pages
(+ Drag & Drop Revisited) by William Griffin, there is an excellent tutorial for
drag and drop.

I'm re-reading the custom props manual, im not a quarter of the way and I
learned a few new things already! The great thing about the documentation, is
that it gives examples each time! Keep it open in the beginning and right-click
(control-click on Macs) on any word you dont know. It comes in quite fast with


> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at]On Behalf Of Willie
> Moore
> Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 18:36
> To: Revolution List
> Subject: General Question From Potential User
> I am just starting to evaluate Revolution and Real Basic for business
> use.  I was hoping for some input in regards to comparing the two
> products.  I am initially leaning toward Revolution, in part of because
> the information that I have read so far states that the Transcript
> language is both easy to learn, and very efficent thereby reducing the
> amount of code that would have to be written.  Also, I am looking for
> information about Revolution's drag and drop abilities.  In example,
> could I use it to create an application for either the pc or mac that
> would do two things:
> 1)  Allow me to drap a selection of multiple files onto it, have it copy
> those files to a specific directory and then show the contents of that
> directory inother window.
> 2)  List the contents of a directory in a window, then allow me to
> select one or more files from that window and drag them to the desktop
> I have already ordered "Software at the Speed of Thought: Volume 1" and
> am waiting for its delivery.  Are there any other books that could help
> me get up to speed and learn what the software can/can not do?

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