What about the quit menuitem in standalone with 2.5?

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Sep 3 12:19:46 EDT 2004

Hi Troy,

> On Sep 3, 2004, at 11:23 AM, Kevin Miller wrote:
>> There is a simple rule when developing in DC/Rev.  If it crashes its 
>> almost
>> certainly a bug.  We provide a bug reporting facility and act quickly 
>> to
>> resolve issues.  By filing it in the database we can fix it.  Posting 
>> to
>> this mailing list doesn't get the information logged by our developer 
>> team.
>> This list is for the discussion of how to use the product, so please 
>> do not
>> report bugs here.
> Kevin,
> With all due respect, this is an EXTREMELY frustrating position you 
> are taking. Discussion of bugs is not only common on developer lists, 
> it is expected. While no one expects the development team to pick up 
> on bugs from discussions here, often times it is the end-user 
> introducing some issue, or the list members know a workaround, or 
> simply prefer to know about such issues before they encounter them. 
> The RunRev stance of trying to keep such discussions out of this list 
> will also keep professional developers out of this list, since we are 
> quite accustomed to open discussion of any usage issues regarding the 
> tools we work with. Limiting such discussion, and demanding that 
> Bugzilla be the only point of entry on these things makes it look like 
> you are trying to hide something, and it is also a very low feedback 
> mechanism. It is akin to saying, "if you encounter what you think is a 
> bug, put your development project on the shelf until we determine if 
> you are right or wrong. That could take an indefinite amount of time, 
> during which you are out of luck."
> If the intention of this list is to act like a marketing vehicle where 
> everyone is happy, and there are no apparent bugs in the software, 
> then I think we need another, more reality-based list, aimed at 
> registered users of studio or above which is more open to discussion 
> of bugs, workarounds and solutions to the inevitable issues that arise 
> in professional software development.

100% ACK!

This list is meant to discuss/try out several workarounds/recipes, if 
BEFORE we decide to file this as a bug...

And sometimes it turns out to be not a bug...

This might take a little burden from off of your shoulders, at least 
sometimes ;-)

And i also want to point out that sometimes the discussions about a 
(not) bug are
so "heavy" that we all might simply forget to gozilla it... We're only 
human ;-)

Perhaps someone should write a little stack that checks the frequency 
of a certain
subject and will automatically bugzilla the subject... OK, a little 
more "intelligence"
in that app would be useful :-D

> --
> Troy
> RPSystems, Ltd.
> http://www.rpsystems.net

Regards from sunny germany

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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