Anyone Interested In A Tablet PC SIG?

Troy Rollins troy at
Wed Oct 6 15:43:57 EDT 2004

On Oct 6, 2004, at 3:35 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Heck, I am a member of the worldwide newton association and their 
> newsletter editor, of course I'll join, love pen input! I don't have a 
> tablet pc, nor I have the money to buy one, but I've got some newton 
> theory and a MacOS X with inkwell and a tablet (wacom). And yes, sure 
> I would join the group to create software! :D

Hey, if computers could actually be anything like the Newton - I'm in.

I still have a couple of working Newton's, don't use them... but I miss 
using them.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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