Reading a (BIG) text file one line at a time - in reality...

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Nov 24 03:27:58 EST 2004

J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 11/23/04 10:17 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> If any of you have time to improve the buffering method below I'd be 
>> interested in any significant changes to your test results.
> If we want the buffering method to be as fast as possible, so as to test 
> the method itself rather than the script that runs it, then we can speed 
> up the script by rewriting method #3 like this:
>   put the millisecs into t
>   --
>   put 0 into tWordCount3
>   open file tFile for text read
>   put empty into tBuffer
>   repeat
>     read from file tFile for 32000
>     put tBuffer before it -- stores only 1 line from previous read
>     if it is empty then exit repeat
>     if the number of lines in it > 1 then
>       put last line of it into tBuffer
>       delete last line of it
>     else
>       put empty into tBuffer
>     end if
>     --
>     repeat for each line l in it
>       add the number of words of l to tWordCount3
>     end repeat
>   end repeat
>   --
>   put the millisecs - t into t3
>   close file tFile
>   --
>   --
> This script assumes that the last line in each 32K block is incomplete, 
> which will almost always be the case. If the line isn't incomplete, it 
> doesn't hurt anything to treat it like it is.
> Problem is, I'm getting a slightly different word count than your 
> original method. I didn't debug that because it's getting late, but it 
> is off by just a few chars and I suspect it has to do with the very last 
> line in the file. At any rate, the idea is that the difference in speed 
> is pretty high; in my test the original took about 850 milliseconds and 
> the revised one above took about 125. This would probably change your 
> benchmarks a bit.
> I added a "close file" command for completeness. If I get a chance, I'll 
> try to figure out why my count is off, if someone else doesn't do it first.

Good work, Jacque.  I knew there would be a way to change the "repeat 
with" to a "repeat for each", and moving the last line to the buffer and 
walking through "it" instead looks like the way to go.

However, my results differ from yours --  I'm getting an accurate word 
count, but slower speed than before:

200 MB free RAM
Read all:      5.881 secs
Read buffered: 8.575 secs

Either there was something wrong with the first time I ran the tests, or 
  there's something wrong with how I've copied your version in.  And of 
course I have a spare 200MBs of RAM -- got too much to do to go through 
launching all my other apps just to put the squeeze on a test. :)

We still don't know the business specifics of the original poster to 
know if this is at all useful to him, but assuming it will be to others 
down the road the next logical questions are:

1. How can we generalize this so one handler can be used to feed lines 
to another handler for processing?

2. Can we further generalize it to use other chunk types (words, items, 

3. Once we solve #1 and 2, should we request an addition to the engine 
for this?  If you think this is fast now wait till you see what the 
engine can do with it.  It'll be like life before and after the split 
and combine commands.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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