How do I refer to an item generically?

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Tue Nov 16 10:09:49 EST 2004

Hi Kaveh,

>repeat with i = 1 to the number of groups
>if the number of btns of group i is 0 and the number of flds of group i \
>is 0 and the number of sbs of group i is 0 then
>delete group i
>end if
>If there a shorter way of saying this?

I don't understand the reference to "sbs".  If you're trying to 
ascertain that the group contains NO subordinate controls, test for 
exactly that:

if the number of controls of group i = 0 then delete group i
Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy
P.O. Box 217
Manchester, CA 95459-0217
(707) 895-2584

"Promoting a healthy and bountiful offshore environment."

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