Application Icons in Mac classic

Mark Talluto userev at
Thu May 27 12:34:17 EDT 2004

On May 27, 2004, at 7:01 AM, Mark Brownell wrote:

> Thanks,
> I've tried that and I think have it almost working. After restarting 
> my i-mac it only shows the proper icons in some of the open file 
> dialog windows. I'm still not getting that Rev icon to change and the 
> finder still shows that Rev icon when the app is running. The 
> standalone builder creates two icons in the resource file 128 & 129. I 
> replaced both icons with the same Icon that I needed, leaving them as 
> 128 & 129. At least I'm getting closer. I was searching for a way to 
> check other things in the resource to get the new icons working. 
> Searching the internet only gives me basic instructions that make it 
> so simple yet something is still not working. I can't believe I've 
> avoided this for so many years and now trying it out, I must be 
> missing something.
> Mark

The key is to make sure you rebuild your desktop after doing your icon 
work with resedit.  If it is a new icon, the system does not show it 
until you rebuild.

You do that by restarting your systems, hold down the apple and option 
keys until the message appears asking if it is ok to rebuild.  There 
are freeware apps that will do it for you.  OS X has a button that will 
do it in the OS 9 control panel.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

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