Additional question

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Mar 31 00:52:39 EST 2004

--- Glen Bojsza <gbojsza at> wrote:
> Jan,
> Thanks for the clue...
> I seem to be able to check each explicit variable
> name for keys to see 
> if it is an array. But when I try to use it with a
> combine command I 
> get an error?
> So, if aname is composed of 2 variable names for
> example trial and 
> score.
> combine trial with space  -- generates an error
> get transpose(trial)
> combine it with space -- works and gives the
> associated values
> I want to be able to "cycle" through the aname list
> and manipulate the 
> individual arrays - in this given case -- trial and
> score.
> Is it necessary to use the "do" function for this
> type of routines as 
> well?
> **I heard that the "do" command degrades
> performance??
> Anyways, thanks for your help.
> regards,
> Glen

Hi Glen,

You'll need to use 'do' again to cycle through the
names ; unless you know the names in advance, but then
you could avoid the whole 'do' by using a lengthy
switch statement.

Just to show how flexible this can be, here's a bit of
code that I use to extract part of a bigger array into
a smaller array :
repeat for each line tSubKey in tSubKeys
  put the keys of tBigDataA into tKeys
  filter tKeys with tSubKey & ",*"
  put "t" & tSubKey & "A" into tArrayName
  do "local" && tArrayName
  repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
    put item 2 to -1 of tKey into tShortKey
    put tBigDataA[tKey] into tData
    do "put tData into" && tArrayName & "[tShortKey]"
  end repeat
end repeat

As for 'do' degrading performance, it's absolutely
true, but sometimes it's the only way to make things
work -- and a slightly slower solution is better than
no solution at all, right ?

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

PS : I prefer having the questions and answers on the
list, as others might be facing the same problem and
not know where to start ; plus, you might not have to
wait until I get round to answering.

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