please include page reference

Judy Perry jperryl at
Sun Mar 28 22:09:45 EST 2004

But the majority of the other main x-talks I know of (admittedly Mac
OS-centric) have stuck with card.  Plus, the 'card' metaphor is usefull in
aluding to its organizational abilities (whereas pages are largely

I don't think 'card' merely refers to the old Mac Plus screen sizes...


On Sun, 28 Mar 2004, John Rule wrote:

> Since we can refer to a 'stack' as a 'window', it would be nice to use
> 'page' to refer to a 'card'. Besides, didn't the whole 'stack of cards'
> reference start because the screen size was so small, that your window (and
> it's pages) were ususally about the size of a stack index cards? That was a
> very long time ago...

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