messages button

Erik Hansen erikhans08 at
Sat Mar 27 16:56:21 EST 2004

--- Dar Scott <dsc at> wrote:
> > Why would one want to use the suspend
> messages button.  

> Suppose I have a bug in my openCard or related.
>  Theoretically.  It 
> might make navigation during development to fix
> the bug a big problem.  
> I might turn off messages and fix the bug and
> turn it back on.  In 
> general, I want to make changes to my stack
> without it trying to run.  
> I might be doing this the wrong way.
> There might be consequences in the IDE that I
> don't know about.  I am 
> not sure, but it seems saving a stack with
> suspend message on is not a good thing.

it was suggested earlier that turning off
the messages would help in debugging
by temporarily taking any RunRev front/back
scripts out of commission.

erik at

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