copying a graphic doesn't trigger a new graphic message

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Mar 18 22:20:28 EST 2004

Dar Scott wrote:

> It is too bad about cloning a card not sending new control messages.

I'm not so sure.  New control messages are sent when a control is 
cloned, no?

Keeping the messages limited to the object class seems merely efficient 
to me: imagine how many thousands of "new" messages would get sent if a 
"new" message was sent for every sub-object and you cloned a large stack.

For special cases where you might want that it's easy enough to get an 
equivalent result:

on newCard
   repeat with i = 1 to the number of controls
     InitObject the long ID of control i
   end repeat
end newCard

on InitObject pObj
   -- do your initialization here
end InitObject

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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