Standalone shell/console application

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Mar 6 13:05:29 EST 2004

On 3/5/04 7:10 PM, Kevin wrote:
> Why isn't there a global property to disable the graphic subsystem?
> Better yet a handler similar to "onStartup" is called only when the
> display/GUI is missing allowing developers to take action (run in
> console mode or GUI).  Many frameworks support this feature by
> creating GUI components as containers only when the DISPLAY/GUI is
> unavailable.  With a few tweaks RR could have one engine to support
> both CGI/CONSOLE and DISPLA/X/GUI systems and simplify their
> maintenance.
> Please correct me if I am incorrect or I have missed some API which
> allows this (in a stand-alone).

This is exactly how it works. If the GUI is absent, you can run the 
engine via text-based scripts. This is the recommended (and only) way to 
use the engine as a CGI on servers. Many of us on this list have already 
implemented web-based CGIs; I have a handful of them running on my 
server right now.

The only message the engine sends, in that case, is a "startup" message. 
Your text script must include an "on startup" handler that will catch 
this message.

See: <>

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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