Getting palette buttons to work on another stack

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Mar 2 03:29:49 EST 2004

> on mouseUp
>    put the short name of the topStack into activeStack
>    lock screen
>    lock messages
>    push cd
>    go activeStack
>    repeat with i=1 to the number of flds
>      set cursor to busy
>      set lockText of fld i to not (lockText of fld i)
>    end repeat
>    pop cd
> end mouseUp
> Is this the way you're meant to do it? It seems a little 
> clumsy - especially with the lock screen; push cd; go...; pop 
> cd stuff.

No, you should be able to do this (but only when the palette's really a

on mouseUp
  set the defaultStack to the topStack
  repeat with i=1 to the number of flds
    set cursor to busy
    set lockText of fld i to not (lockText of fld i)
  end repeat
end mouseUp

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

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