scrolling fields without scrollbars

Chris Sheffield revlist at
Mon Jun 28 11:08:37 EDT 2004

I’ve got a question I’m hoping someone can help me with.

I’ve got a field in an application that will hold sometimes several
paragraphs of text.  The problem is that the field has to be a fixed height
(because of room on the screen) and therefore won’t be able to display all
of the text at once.  What I’d like to do is set up some kind of paging
routine so that the user clicks a button to go to the next “page” of text
(in essence it will just set the vScroll of the field).  My problem is that
I’m not sure how to calculate the vScroll value.

For example, I just set up a test field.  I put 10 lines of text in the
field, leaving all of the fields default properties in tact, except for
resizing it to a height of 90 pixels.  I thought that in order to go to the
next “page” I should just set the vScroll to 90 (the height of the field).
So I did that, but when I checked the value, it was only set to 59.

Does anyone have a way to do this?  Basically what I want is to be able to
take a given block of text and calculate how many “pages” I would get from
that text (using my field which is set to a size of 400 x 325), and then how
much I would need to scroll to display each “page”.  Does that make sense?
If anyone has any ideas, I’d be very grateful.  Keep in mind that these will
be paragraphs of text.  So word wrap is on for the field and there are only
returns at the end of paragraphs.


Chris Sheffield
Software Developer
Read Naturally
csheffield at

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