Metal bug fix

Troy Rollins troy at
Sun Jun 27 11:17:26 EDT 2004

On Jun 27, 2004, at 10:56 AM, sims wrote:

> I received an email from Tuviah/Bugzilla  that bug 825 has been fixed, 
> this was
> a "double trouble" display problem when using Metal that Klaus and I 
> reported.
> Tuviah states the following:
> ------- Additional Comments From tuviah at  2004-06-27 02:03 
> -------
> fixed. was related to the metal menu bar bug .
> *Perhaps* this fixes more metal problems that just my "double trouble" 
> display problem.
> Hope it appears in a bug fix update soon.


I'm still going to try a couple (more) things to get metal to stick in 
my stack. But it is stuff like this which shouldn't be a problem, which 
gets so frustrating about Revolution.

The debugging is done for my own code, now I have to spend who knows 
how long debugging Revolution's bizarre behaviors, and developing 
work-arounds, before I can release my product.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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