A clue for using Valentina by XCMD

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 22 08:07:41 EDT 2004

--- Ben Rubinstein <benr_mc at cogapp.com> wrote:
> Thanks Andre, Klaus, and Robert (offlist) for your
> swift replies.
> For the benefit of anyone else tracking this in the
> list archives; Rev does
> ship with the VXCMD (although not necessarily the
> latest version); but in
> order to make use of it in your own stacks, you need
> to set the "externals"
> property of the stack and then re-open it.
> So to get started, set the "externals" property of a
> stack to a path to the
> VXCMD, ie to start with to something along the lines
> of
>     /Applications/Revolution 2.1/components/global
> environment/database_drivers/MacOSX/VXCMD_macho
> Save this stack, close+remove from memory, open it,
> and either with it as
> the top stack, or after 'start using' it, one can
> then at last call the
> function "Valentina", eg
>    put Valentina("version")
> which on Rev 2.2 returned "1.9.8b2".  Hurrah!
> Secondly, one needs to know that Valentina doesn't
> seem to do much in the
> way of error checking; if you make mistakes, you are
> liable to be punished
> by Rev immediately crashing.  So save early and
> often.  For example,
> although you can get the version without
> initialising Valentina, attempting
> to create a database before initialising will result
> in immediate crash.
> Thirdly - the VXCMD_Reference.pdf does not contain a
> reference to the error
> codes.  These can be found in "ValentinaKernel.pdf".
> Well, that's got me started.  Thanks very much. 
> Here we go...
>   Ben Rubinstein

Hi All,

Allow me to chime in with the information that the
next version of Revolution will upgrade the VXCMD to
the latest stable version, squashing the currently
known issues.
Valentina Server will be supported as soon as that
goes out of beta and a stable VXCMD is available for

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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