Trying to use the metaphor

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Fri Jun 18 18:46:44 EDT 2004

Hi All,

Le 18 juin 04, à 22:15, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

> On 6/18/04 1:27 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:
>> I can't tell you how many times I've types "myVar =" to start setting 
>> the value of a variable. This is not the kind of thing even someone 
>> _completely_ new to programming would do, simply because they would 
>> only know the syntax as defined by Rev. Similarly for those coming 
>> from other "Card script" languages.
> Actually, coming from HC, it was just about as frustrating for me as 
> it has been for you. The two environments are similar enough that I 
> thought I ought to know how to do things, but different enough that I 
> ended up with the same frustrations you are having now. Richard Gaskin 
> and I have both walked a number of x-talkers through the Rev learning 
> curve and it always seems to go the same way -- Richard has a good 
> list of responses that I can't recall exactly but which is close 
> enough to the norm to make me laugh out loud each time I read it. It 
> starts off with something like "I hate this damn program" and ends up 
> with "How did I ever live without this?" Maybe he'll repost -- and you 
> will see that you are definitely not alone. ;)

As many ones there, i loved HC and had some frustrations when i 
switched to SuperCard 2.5 and again in switching to Metacard and again 
in switching to Rev but to the end :

1.- Hypertalk + Fred's XCMD + Windowscript + Resedit = SuperTalk ; 
SuperTalk + Compil-It + Marionet <  Metatalk < Transcript

2.- The IDE are'nt always as simple as the previous one was but, to the 
end, they are always more and more powerfull...

HC was a closed tool where Rev challenges SmallTalk, Eiffel, Lisp or 
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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