Flash cards for Japanese

Marian Petrides mpetrides at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 1 17:10:23 EDT 2004

I haven't done a flash card stack in Rev, but I have done a couple in 
SuperCard. Unfortunately, I don't have these readily acessible at the 
moment.  However, if my recollection is correct, all I did was create a 
button with a script that went to a random card, using the random 

You can have the answer in a hidden field on the same card as the 
question and include a button to display the answer by making the 
invisible field visible or you can simply have separate answer cards.  
If you do the latter, then all you need to do is put all the answer 
cards at the end of your stack and restrict the random number generator 
to numbers below the number of the first answer card.

I think the following should work, assuming all answer cards are 
numbered 101 or higher:

On mouseUp
	put random (100) into whereToGo
	go to cd whereToGo
End mouseUp

Hope this helps.


On May 31, 2004, at 7:04 PM, Jack Burston wrote:

> Dear Revolutionaries,
> I'm new to Revolution and to this list.  I've been asked by a 
> colleague in
> Japanese to construct a flash card program for her.  Before 
> reinventing the
> wheel I thought I would check to see if anyone has already done this.  
> If
> so, I would very much appreciate it if you could send me a copy of your
> stack.  With thanks in advance for whatever assistance you may be able 
> to
> provide. Jack
> -- 
> Jack Burston, Ph.D.
> Director
> Foreign Language Technology Center
> College of Liberal Arts
> Rochester Institute of Technology
> Rochester, NY 14623-5604
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