Rev player

Kevin Miller kevin at
Mon Jul 26 12:18:20 EDT 2004

On 25/7/04 10:16 pm, "Revinfo1155 at" <Revinfo1155 at> wrote:

> So if we want to distribute a stack such as a simple address stack where cards
> will be added and data will need to be saved by the enduser. We will have to
> create a standalone to run the stack. Therefore dreamcard will not do the job.
> Correct?

The Player application is by default configured to have secureMode turned
on.  This makes it "secure" preventing a stack from destroying a users hard
drive.  However, the end user does have the option to turn of secureMode as
a preference included with the Player, so if you have a stack you want to
distribute you need to tell the end user to turn this option off if they
want to be able to save data.  In a future version we may look more closely
at an intermediate "level" of security, right now the user must be asked to
turn this off.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ kevin at ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools

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