Ctrl-Alt-Click [Was Re: Rev 2.5 Beta - Hits]

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Thu Jul 22 21:57:16 EDT 2004

At 15:35 22/07/2004 -0600, Devin Asay wrote:

>On Jul 22, 2004, at 3:07 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:
>>I do see an issue with the ctrl-alt-click in execute mode - it appears to 
>>open the script editor BUT ALSO trigger a mouse click to the stack - 
>>which I don't think it should.
>>Do you see that behaviour too ? Should it do that ?  Should I Bugzilla it ?
>Confirmed. It seems it should do one or the other, not both, in execute 
>mode. I think my preference is that it should only open the script editor, 
>regardless of mode.

Thanks for the confirmation; I agree that's what it should do. Entered as 
Bug 1884

Am I right in thinking that a script like

on mouseUp
   if the controlKey is down and the altkey is down then
     pass mouseUp to top
   end if
   pass mouseUp
end mouseUp

could be inserted as a front script without adverse side-effects.
(It seems to work, but I'm very cautions about using front-scripts - 
worried I'll interfere with something important and not realize until too 

-- Alex.
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