Windows gets shorter and shorter and shorter...

Martin Baxter martin at
Thu Jul 22 06:33:01 EDT 2004

>I have one window that gets shorter and shorter each time you open it,
>either by doing "go to stack" or by choosing it from the Application
>Browser.  At one point I had several windows that did this, but
>something unknown happened to the others and they've stopped doing it.
>Does anyone know why this happens?  It seems to not be related to the
>sizable property, since checking or unchecking resizable makes no
>difference.  I reset the decorations, etc., but can't figure out what
>else to do.
>-- Frank

Hello Frank,

Chances are that this is the well known problem on MacOS with substacks
that have menubars.

The window loses 21 pixels between uses.

I don't think anyone actually understands how this happens. I have a theory
that it is related to saving a project when only some substacks are open
and others haven't been used. I think the truncated height under some
circumstances gets saved as the total height. Then when it's next opened,
the engine lops 21 pixels off the height (as it is meant to when there is a
mac menubar) but unfortunately what it thinks is the total height is
actually the truncated height, erroneously stored. As you've noted it is
intermittent which means it needs some sort of automated soak test to
figure out, and a knowledge of the various different internal scripts that
might affect this is really required for designing a sensible diagnostic.

The workarounds I use are too complicated to bore you with unless you're
really interested, because other users have posted much simpler ones. At
the moment I mostly work on PC where the issue doesn't arise. When building
standolones on the mac I have a prep script that makes sure everything is
right before I build.

There was a workaround posted in this list recently which, IIRC, involved
referencing a menu group actually stored in another stack, and this
apparently solves the problem. This workaround and others like it sound a
bit 'mac only' to me which is I why I haven't tried it myself. Check the
list archives, or maybe someone will post. I think there's probably several
mentions of this in bugzilla.


Martin Baxter

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