RunRev and Arabic?

Devin Asay devin_asay at
Tue Jul 20 11:49:56 EDT 2004


The key to using any non-Latin writing system in Rev is understanding 
unicode. There doesn't seem to be any shortcut; you just have to dig 
into the Rev documentation on unicode and start trying examples.

That being said, here are a couple of 'Aha!' insights that I've made:

1. A reliable way to imbed non-Latin text in a Rev field for 
cross-platform deployment is to select the language using your OS's 
language input tools. Then save the htmlText of that field; I find it 
works well to store it in a custom property. When you need to display 
the text with the non-Latin characters, simply set the htmlText of fld 
"myFld" to the customPropWithHTMLText of fld "myFld".

2. To reliably display the text of an Arabic (or other non-Latin) web 
page, keep in mind that most non-Latin web pages are encoded as UTF-8. 
Use the following command to get the contents of the page and display 
it properly (I got this from the use-revolution list archives, but 
forgot who supplied it. So anonymous thanks to Mr. ?????.):

set the unicodetext of fld "myfld" to uniencode(url 

Fast and reliable.



On Jul 19, 2004, at 6:20 PM, Erik Hansen wrote:

> RunRev and Arabic?
> any URLS?
> Thanks,
> Erik Hansen
> =====
> erik at
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Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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