strange clone behaviour: bug?

andreas andreas at
Tue Jul 13 11:34:42 EDT 2004

Hi Walter

thanks for your assistance!
I can reproduce the error,  this seems like a bug.

you can't use "clone" to clone a card, if the card has grouped objects 
on it
(for example, some grouped fields) and you use
a loop to make several clones.
If you haven't grouped objects on the card to clone, "clone" works fine!

I'm not sure, if it is possible, to use the "copy card" approach. But 
it seems not

A bug?

Andreas Staempfli

Am 13.07.2004 um 15:09 Uhr schrieb Wouter:

> Hi again,
> A little addendum:
> The other thing you have to check for before cloning a card is 
> password protection of the stack you are cloning from.
> If protected and no passkey is entered there will be no cloning, only 
> error dialog.
> Greetings,
> Wouter
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