creating a log file

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Thu Jul 8 23:17:05 EDT 2004


I can't tell you from memory but there are some ways to grokk inside 
the Rev engine when a error occurs and see why, like informations on 
context and the like. That might help you, if you look inside Rodney 
and Monte libCGI code, you'll see their error routine, it does just 

since I am a big fan of webservers and untought uses of the HTTP 
protocol, I build a little app I will share soon. I call it SoapBox 
(from Soap Dog Message Box, soapdog is me), it's a little stack that 
has a field and a embedded webserver, this stack will answer to PUT, 
POST and GET commands logging the data that was sent, you can then save 
or dispose the data the way you want. I keep this running inside (offline now), so when any stack 
of mine wants to shout it uses a simple error routine:

on shout pMsg
      put the short date && the short time && "-" && pMsg into URL 
end shout

this way I can easily debug distributed apps running on diferents 
computer across networks, no matter where my stack is running, it will 
echo messages in this net-savvy console, and also when some app of mine 
goes down, the soapbox console still up and give me some info. I think 
this is a nice thing to have.


On Jul 8, 2004, at 2:01 PM, Chris Sheffield wrote:

> In doing some testing, we're having some problems with an application 
> where
> it just unexpectedly quits when running under OS X.  So far I have been
> unable to reproduce the problems on my own computers, but others in my
> office are reporting that this is happening.
> So what I'd like to do is create some kind of logging routine where my
> standalone will write to a text file all commands, functions, 
> messages, etc.
> that are getting sent.  So far I've just taken all my scripts, copied 
> them
> to a sub stack of my main stack file, stripped what I don't need, put 
> in
> some code to write the handler name and any parameters to a file, and 
> then
> passing the handler.  I've inserted the script of this sub stack into 
> front
> so it'll receive any messages first.  But I'm wondering if this is the 
> best
> way to do this?  It'll take me forever to do it this way.  Is there 
> some
> kind of all encompassing message that gets sent that can be used to 
> extract
> information about other messages?
> I don't know if this is even making sense or not.  How do others go 
> about
> creating a logging routine like this?
> Thanks,
> Chris Sheffield
> Software Developer
> Read Naturally
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Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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