run Rev app on two networked computers?

Troy Rollins troy at
Tue Jul 6 23:38:52 EDT 2004

On Jul 6, 2004, at 11:24 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Solution #1) use files as semaphore to tag the locked status of the 
> stack, keep sure that stack in memory equals stack in the filesys. 
> PROS: your app is self contained. CONS: don't know, didn't think of 
> any...

I can think of at least ONE CON - primitive file locking is... 
primitive. In the event that the lock file is not properly deleted, 
neither user can successfully work with the data until it is cleared.

TWO, maintaining synchronization if both users are active can be a 
chore, since a user loads the data, and while working with it, the data 
is changed by the other user.

Were it me, I'd go with option 3 optimally, and option 2 if simplicity 
in system setup is a primary goal.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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