Unix linebreaks and permissions

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 27 04:42:10 EST 2004

--- Paolo Mazza <mazzapaolo at libero.it> wrote:
> I have to put a field of my stack into a text file
> posted on a remote 
> Linux  server.
> I can use "put field XXX into URL "http://myserver"
> .
> But....
> how can I  set Unix  linebreaks?
> how can i set perpissions?
> Ciao Paolo

Hi Paolo,

You can use the 'replace' command just before
uploading the field :
  put field "Foobar" into tText
  replace return with numtochar(10) in tText
  put tText into URL tURL
However, I don't think you'll have to do this, as
Revolution internally uses LineFeed as the line
delimiter, just like Unix.

As for setting the permissions : check out the entry
for the 'libURLFTPCommand' function in the Transcript
It's probably a better idea to upload your files
through FTP than HTTP anyway, as more servers support

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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