tehe ExecutionContexts

Jan Decroos jan.decroos at groepvanroey.be
Tue Jan 27 03:44:39 EST 2004

"MisterX" <b.xavier at internet.lu> writes:

>Hi everyone,
>In my joyous mood to set the best possible quality in the 
>next Script Editor X. My personal full featured editor 
>template (of many to come). Lately we talked about filtering
>the variables (GUI already impletented!) in the Var. Watcher.
>In MC the variable watcher has a companion stack called the
>"Execution Context". 
>This stack was integrated into the GUI of RR's Variable Watcher.
>I've done the integration as well in my VWx for MC but before
>attacking the RR integration, I wanted to elucidate the mistery
>of execution contexts. I've searched both documentations but 
>there is NO entry regarding it... 
>Anyone have tips to on what it's suppose to do or how use it?

Here's a small example (I made as _test_ for getting local properties from
calling handlers)

on mouseUp
  set the numberformat to "0.###"
end mouseUp

on myHandler1
end myHandler1

on myHandler2
  set the caseSensitive to true
end myHandler2

on myHandler3
  get getLocalPropertyFromCallingHandler("numberformat")
  if it <> empty then set the numberformat to it
  answer 1*5.111111  -- tells "5.111"
  get getLocalPropertyFromCallingHandler("caseSensitive")
  if it <> empty then set the caseSensitive to it
  answer "a" = "A"  -- tells false
end myHandler3

function getLocalPropertyFromCallingHandler pPropertyName
  if pPropertyName is not among the lines of the propertyNames then
StopWithMessage "getLocalPropertyFromCallingHandler: invalid property
  put the executionContexts into lCallingHandlers
  put the number of lines of lCallingHandlers -1 into lNumCallingHandlers
  repeat with i = lNumCallingHandlers down to 1
    put line i of lCallingHandlers into lHandler
    put item 3 of lHandler - 1 into lLnr
    do "put the script of "&(item 1 of lHandler)&" into lScript"
    repeat with j = lLnr down to 1
      put line j of lScript into lLine
      if word 1 of lLine is among the items of "on,function" then exit repeat
      if (word 1 of lLine = "set") and (word 2 of lLine = "the") and (word 3 of
lLine = pPropertyName) then
        repeat with k = 4 to the number of words of lLine
          if word k of lLine = "to" then return the value of word k+1 to -1 of
        end repeat
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat
  return empty
end getLocalPropertyFromCallingHandler

on StopWithMessage pMess
  answer error pMess
  exit to top
end StopWithMessage


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