trouble with loading externals...

Alex Rice alex at
Thu Jan 22 09:42:41 EST 2004

On Jan 22, 2004, at 1:49 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I've got this externals revzeroconf.bundle and revzeroconf.dll... they 
> are inside the stacks folder and also at /Applications/Revolution 
> 2.1.2/ folder. When the stack loads, it cant find the externals...
> I used
> set the externals of stack "cool" to "revzeroconf.bundle" & return & 
> "revzeroconf.dll"

- during IDE development the .bundle or .dll files have to be in the 
Revolution folder (or in the defaultFolder)

- in a standalone the .bundle or .dll files have to be in the app's 
folder. (or in the defaultFolder) BTW there is also a way to hide the 
.bundle into the app bundle on Mac OS X.

- If you are only working on OS X, then you can safely leave off the 

- It's OK to specify both the bundle and dll but I think there is a bug 
in the engine on OS X that it won't see the Mac bundle unless you 
specify it last! ie

set the externals of stack "cool" to "revzeroconf.dll" & return & 

which is what I did for the Zeroconf Workbench stack.

Hope this helps,

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software |

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