rev unicode still crap?

mark cowhead at
Thu Jan 22 07:34:32 EST 2004

Thanks Dave, that's sweet.  I downloaded the revappversion 2.1.2 and it 
was no better at Japanese than the older rev.  But I also noticed that 
copying and pasting the text from the Rev field into apple's TextEdit 
and then recopying and pasting back into the same rev field also fixes 
it and allows editing in the field.  So for some reason, we have to 
pass the rev unicode through a variable or another program before rev 
can handle it in a field.  Anyway, I fixed all my fields in the old rev 
with the variable-pass trick you suggested.  Thanks.  Now, if only I 
could directly type in hiragana RU and NO without having to hit return 
and then go back up again....sigh...  I strongly suggest that the rev 
people remove any "claims" of unicode or Japanese support until this 
thing is actually usable.  After all, if I were a Real american I would 
sue them for false advertising (but then, I wouldn't care about 
Japanese either).  :-)

On Thursday, Dave wrote:

> In 2.02 on OS X 10, the following allowed me to edit the text in
> field 2. (The original text in field 1 was shift-jis.)
>     put uniEncode(field 1,Japanese) into t1
>     set the unicodeText of field 2 to t1
>     set the textFont of field 2 to "osaka,japanese"

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