ANN: Tribe: simple blog server (revHTTPd Framework quick demo)

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Wed Jan 21 21:49:33 EST 2004

Hi Folks,

this is Andre Alves Garzia of Soap Dog Studios speaking, I made a 
little demo to show simple web serving using revHTTPd framework. This 
is a little blog application, you may add/modify/remove blog posts and 
modify your site template.

You can see that everything is packed inside the "default_html"  
handler of the mainstack. All the httpd server is inside the HTTPd 
button... this should be hidden in a enduser app but since you're all 
developer, I left it plain visible.

This stack is provided as a public domain demo of the framework, you 
might inspect it and fiddle with it the way you like. This is just a 
simple dynamic serving demo, nothing fancy. We could use the framework 
to handle it all automatically using our Inform Engine and stuff, but 
we choose to do it all by hand so that you know how things work.

The stack code is better than me explaining. Allow me just to explaing 
it a little.

When you try to access the stack it receive a "default_html" message, 
this will loop thru your posts and replace the defined tags in the 
template, then it will flush it back to the browser.

Fiddle with it and send your feedback to me at soapdog at

I packed the source code + standalones for Windows, Linux, MacOS

You can get from

Andre Alves Garzia
Soap Dog Studio - BRAZIL

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