Weirdness with global variable declaration

Ray G. Miller rgmiller at
Tue Jan 20 14:01:11 EST 2004

>Robert Brenstein said,
>I haven't tested this with the newest engine but earlier it was like 
>Richard mentioned: globals had to be declared within a handler. There 
>was some technical reason for that if I recall.

Yes, the globala are *declared* within a handler, but setting the 
globals for all can set, usually at the top of the script editor, for 
each "section" (card script, background script, button script).

For example:
In the card script, at the top you could set:

global gCatNames, gDogNames, gGreatToys

on preOpenStack
end preOpenStack

on setTheGlobals
    put fld "catNames" into gCatNames
    put fld "dogNames" into gCatNames
    put fld "greatToys" into gGreatToys
end setTheGlobals

... then, in the stack script (or any control script), simply start each 
script page with:

global gCatNames, gDogNames, gGreatToys

and those globals are available to all handlers on that page.

This of course, works across all subStacks as well.

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
MailTo:rgmiller at
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491

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