Looking for a function for bezier curve fitting

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Sat Jan 17 12:36:18 EST 2004

On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 03:35 AM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> I'm looking for a way to find the control
> points of a bezier curve. This is know as
> bezier curve fitting.

Do you need a single bezier curve for an approximate fit?
Or do you need a sequence of curves for an exact fit?

Long, long ago I came up with general least-squares fit procedures for 
lots of models.  I have not tried it for bezier, and I suspect I might 
have trouble and get max errors instead of min errors.  Even so, you 
might look for "least squares" in your searches.  I'd give the math a 
try, but I can't find Calculus; I know he's around in some corner of my 
mind, but I suspect he's gone feral in the deep woods.

It is probably straight forward to draw the curve once you get a fit, I 
imagine.  Doing the fit is probably the hard part.

Dar Scott

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