Japanese display issues/questions

Doug Lerner doug at webcrossing.com
Sun Jan 4 21:24:20 EST 2004

The docs say:

You display double-byte text in its correct language by setting its textFont
property to a Unicode font. You can either put the text into the field and
set the textFont in a handler or the message box, or manually enter the text
after using the operating system¹s built-in text entry tools to choose a

For example, to display double-byte Japanese characters that are on line 12
of a field, use a statement like the following:

  set the textFont of line 12 of field 1 to "Osaka,Japanese"

When you manually enter text in a language that does not use the Roman
alphabet, using the operating system¹s tools, Revolution automatically sets
the textFont of the text you enter to the appropriate font for the language
you have chosen.

When I type into a field in Japanese it looks fine. But when I send the
contents of the field to another field it looks corrupted.

When I try the textFont setting above the Japanese appears, but roman
characters look corrupted. Roman characters should display ok, even with a
Japanese setting.

I tried looking at the textFont setting of the input field, but the textFont
does not appear to be set, as described above.

Anybody have any luck getting this to work, or other hints?



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