Dealing with empty groups...

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Wed Dec 29 05:12:01 EST 2004

On 28 Dec 2004, at 16:57, Lynch, Jonathan wrote:
> If I have to use a transparent object - then I can just put any object
> that does not interfere with the layering of other objects into the
> group, and that will allow the group to pass the mouseup message.
It doesn't have to be a transparent object. An invisible oblect of any 
size in the group seems to cause a mouseUp in the group to pass to the 
card. As invisible objects don't trap mouse events themselves, it won't 
interfere with other objects you place in the group at a lower layer.

I agree that it's odd. On the other hand, an empty group might be 
considered odd too, so perhaps we shouldn't have expectations of 
"normal" behavior in this case.


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