Unicode control pictures on OS X?

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Fri Dec 24 01:12:08 EST 2004

On Dec 23, 2004, at 9:05 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

>> I thought I had used Unicode control pictures (U+2400 up) on OS X, 
>> but now they don't work.  All I get is a box with ctl in it.  Was 
>> there a change in Revolution, fonts, me or OS X that changed this?  I 
>> get this with every font!
> I'm using OS X 10.3.7 and Revolution 2.5.  A control picture is an 
> image representing a control character such as the ASCII control 
> characters.  For example, numToChar(0x240A) is normally an staggered 
> LF.

I don't think this is a Revolution problem.  I used both Font Checker 
and Font Explorer and didn't find any fonts with control pictures.  So 
either I'm losing my marbles or something happened when I upgraded from 
10.2 to 10.3.  I remember the glyphs were very ugly, so maybe they were 
yanked from the font I was using.

     DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
     Programming Services and Software

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