getting the number of the current marked card

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Dec 17 07:09:50 EST 2004

Bon jour Xavier,

> Hallo Klaus!
> Depends on how you sort the cards but that's one cheap trick to
> find them...
> sort by id of each card
> Sort by the marked of each card

Sorry, no success, did not work :-(
After sorting this way, the actual cd number will still be displayed...

But i found a workaround:
go first marked cd
   repeat with i = 1 to the num of marked cds
     set the num of this cd to i
     go next marked cd
   end repeat
  go first marked cd

does exactlyly what i want and since i lock screen i think this will be 
enough even with lots of cards...

> Now all cards are sorted by id, all marked cards together andthe
> number of the current card will tell you which it is!
> easy does it!

That's for sure :-)

Thanks for your inspiration ;-)

> cheers
> Xavier


Klaus Major
klaus at

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