The INNER and the OUTER need to be separated

Mathewson richmond at
Sat Dec 11 12:04:32 EST 2004

Dear xTalkers,
  It has become obvious over the last year or so that the 2
lists (MC & RR) attract 2 types of message: one tyoe
dealing with the complexities of xTalk, and another type
dealing with ease (or not) of use.

  As you will by now be aware, I am particularly interested
in usability - specifically for non-computer types, and to
that end made rather over-the-top tool bars for both RR &
MC, and then went to one particular extreme with my thesis.

  I do believe that far too little attention is paid to the
end-user experience and wonder if now is not the time to
start a use-list specifically dedicated to this - and keep
the current - MC and RR lists for xTalk related matters
only. The nature of RR/MC readily lends itself to the rapid
development of a wide variety of user interfaces  - and,
owing to the cross-platform nature of RR/MC, is, to my
mind, one of the better RADs for UI development and

  The apparent level of complacency about the de facto GUI
standard effectively serves to exclude a large number of
people who will shortly come to constitute an underclass in
our digital society. Therefore it behooves socially
concerned programmers to give this matter quite a bit of
thought - and try to do something to provide viable and
robust alternatives.

Richmond Mathewson

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