use-revolution Digest, Vol 11, Issue 117

Mark Smith mark at
Mon Aug 30 15:01:05 EDT 2004

Fair enough, but some of the columns need to be right-justified, so I'm 
back to spaces, though fewer of them, so maybe less wavy print-outs.

My point, though directed at the world in general, not just you :), is 
that text generated in Rev, using a fixed width font seems to be 
non-fixed-width when the text is taken out of Revolution, either by 
printing or copying, even in to other applications that normally behave 
as expected. Perhaps even more disturbingly, the size of the font 
changes also...



On 30 Aug 2004, at 17:00, use-revolution-request at wrote:

> To begin with, I would use tabs instead of spaces.

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