Option button question

Troy Rollins troy at rpsystems.net
Sun Aug 29 23:37:10 EDT 2004

On Aug 29, 2004, at 11:28 PM, Barry Levine wrote:

> I have an option button which triggers a dialog based upon the user 
> choice.
> No problem there. However, the button's title (the chosen text) is not
> actually updated until the user dismisses the modal dialog. I'm sure 
> there's
> a "send..." syntax that would permit the updating of the button's text 
> to
> occur before the dialog actually is called but I'm at a loss to come 
> up with
> it.

That depends how you are using it. Got a script?

Or you could try "send... in 0" which will do the send at the end of 
the handler - but if you are performing further operations based on the 
results of the dialog within the same handler, that won't work well for 

RPSystems, Ltd.

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