Stand-Alone Sorrow Update

Stephen McNutt stephenmcnutt at
Mon Aug 16 05:46:50 EDT 2004

Okay, I figured out what I'd done with the Mac OS X stand-alone that 
made it stop working a couple weeks ago:  I'd changed the name of the 
app within the stand-alone builder settings but didn't change it in the 
line of code that points it to the data files.  Simple mistake.

I still don't know why I'm getting the Windows stand-alone problem, 
though.  I should add to what I typed previously that both within 
Virtual PC and on the other actual PC's I've tried the stand-alone on, 
the OS is Windows XP.  Here's a reprint of that problem:

When I build a Windows stand-alone, it runs just fine within Virtual PC 
6.1 on my iMac.  When I stick it on my flash drive and take it to a PC, 
I get generic icons (not the custom one I built with IconFactory--which 
shows up just fine within Virtual PC) and the app won't open.  I get an 
error message that says something about initialization failing and that 
the error was 8, 0.

Steve McNutt

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