MIDI tools

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at interisland.net
Fri Aug 13 14:47:56 EDT 2004

Another Q:

What about MIDI tools, specifically, can we play notes live through an
onscreen keyboard with no latency.

To get an idea of what I mean, for Mac folks who are on the SuperCard list
(Yahoo! groups), go to the files area Miscellaneous folder and D/L my latest
post there named 'Instrument2', and checkout how the keyboard works.

By permission of the owner (Jon Adams), it uses Nigel Redmond's QuickNotes
external. Would it work with Rev?  How could it be implemented
cross-platform (the thing I'm interested in for these experiments)? I
wouldn't have a clue how to transform it into a Windows-useable DLL.

Ken N.

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