sound in revolution nr. 666

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Aug 13 04:45:40 EDT 2004

Hi Bruce,

> Hi, Steve, Judy, Klause,
> Sorry, I've only been have half-attending/understanding. I have a HC 
> stack with the line
> play "applause"
> "Applause" was just a HC sound file. Translated into Rev the new stack 
> works fine on Mac and Windows.
>  However the only Windows machine I can test it on has QT intalled.
> Are you saying this won't work if QT is not installed in the Windows 
> machine?

No :-)

> If I change the script to 'play audioclip "applause.wav"' AND install 
> a "applause.wav" into
> my Rev stack then it should play fine on Windows machines without 
> Quicktime?

Yes :-)

But you cannot mix then, means you cannot use "play ac xyz" AND QT 
player objects in the
same project on windows!

If you use the command "play ac xyz" then the engine uses:

> ...that uses QT, which although much slower and more memory intensive 
> can play many
> more formats than the default play command which uses low-level sound 
> routines in
> Win32 and MacOS which don't support compression.
> Posted 9/2/2002 by Scott Raney to the MetaCard List

But if you use "player" objects, the engine tries to use QT, if 
installed, and WMP
(WinMediaPlayer) if not...

> Steve, what do you mean by "One has to script the player bit...."?
> Thanks
> Bruce


Klaus Major
klaus at

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