The sky is falling...

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Sun Aug 8 16:30:50 EDT 2004

"MisterX" wrote:
> Another interesting idea would be to allow RR to
> compile ActiveX 
> controls and or DLLs for the windoze plat. Wouldn't
> it?

Looks like this page could provide some ideas
about the plug-ins available:

For example:

NeoBookDX 1.1: This exciting new plug-in adds the 
advanced multimedia capabilities of Microsoft's 
DirectX technology to NeoBook 4

NeoBookPDF 1.0a: Use this plug-in to display Adobe 
Acrobat Reader PDF documents inside your NeoBook 4 

Export NeoBook pages as Adobe Acrobat compatible
PDF files.

Host external EXEs inside your NeoBook publications.
With tmHostExe you can configure external 
applications to run inside a rectangle within NeoBook

ActiveXToNeoBook (ATN) Wizard allows you to convert 
virtually any ActiveX control into a ready to use 
NeoBook Plug-in - No Programming required.

Flash Plug-In allows you to easily add support for 
Macromedia Flash files to your NeoBook publications.

OzTalker series: Bring your NeoBook applications to
life with Text to Speech using the ever popular 
MsAgents the OzTalker series. Supports Genie, Merlin 
the magician, Rooby the robot & Peedy the parrot. You 
can even combine two characters at the same time for
twice the fun with our combo series. Shareware.

Cult3D: This plug-in, a joint development of Cycore
and NeoSoft, allows users of Cycore's Cult3D software 
to incorporate 3D objects into NeoBook publications.


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