Further on Platform Specificity

Troy Rollins troy at rpsystems.net
Sat Aug 7 23:32:20 EDT 2004

On Aug 7, 2004, at 11:20 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

> If small developers want or need to create software for multiple 
> platforms, it is crucial that they not be expected to maintain 
> multiple code bases to do so. To the extent that the toolset they use 
> supports OS-specific features and these features are incorporated, 
> they end up with a situation where they have to maintain multiple code 
> bases or, in the not-less-unattractive alternative, incorporate lots 
> of platform-checking conditional code.

Oh exactly. *Some* platform testing stuff is to be expected, but 
generally, it has to be a single code base, stored in a single script 
set, otherwise, it simple doesn't work. Note my original comment on the 

I wrote :

>> So far as I can see, the only way to develop X-plat using a single 
>> code-base with XCode would be to do so in Java, and I'm not sure I'm 
>> interested in that route.

Personally, I'm doubting my ability to avoid using ALL of the "big 
three" x-plat tools. (Revolution, Director, and RealBasic.) My curse is 
that my projects vary THAT much, and no single one of those tools 
(other than *maybe* RB fully loaded with every available plug in) could 
possibly meet my needs. Unfortunate, because that is expensive in both 
$$ and time - to stay up on everything.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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