Animation library

Troy Rollins troy at
Mon Aug 2 10:31:35 EDT 2004

On Aug 2, 2004, at 7:45 AM, Kevin Miller wrote:

> It is now open source.  All that is happening is that we're not 
> supporting
> it ourselves.  We'll post it soon.  We're not abandoning doing 
> animation in
> Rev, just saying that there are better ways to do it, such as using the
> Player object.  Look out for further improvements related to this area 
> in
> later releases.

Hey, that's great - both the open sourcing of the current, and the fact 
that RunRev is looking to make a better system.

FWIW - The specific "type" of animation I am referring to is more in 
the line of "interface animation." e.g. a panel of controls slides onto 
the screen, and each control fades up one after the other, after which 
the default control pulses... that sort of thing.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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