concurrent users

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Mon Apr 26 21:37:29 EDT 2004

on Mon, 26 Apr 2004 11:18:22 -0700 (PDT)
Jan Schenkel wrote:

>the engine downloads a copy into local memory
>and opens that as if it were on the hard disk.

Hi Jan,

Did the engine has a limit in the amount of memory
it could use to load stacks? 

If the user has loaded several stacks in memory,
using hundreds of megabytes in pictures, sounds, etc,
1- Did the engine write the stacks to hard disk 
to release used memory? 
2- Download again, if the user needs them?

If option number 1 is the answer, Where are these
stacks saved?
In the temp folder or another folder in the System?

Thanks in advance.


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