not every text file a text file?

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Tue Apr 20 04:53:22 EDT 2004

At 11:35 am +0800 20/4/04, Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:
>Dave Cragg wrote:
>>I can read text files created by Nisus Writer Express in both Rev
>>2.1.2 and 2.2.
>This is very encouraging and I am most curious to know how you manage to
>do this. I am able to read text files created by AbiWord, AppleWorks and
>MS Word but NWE files continue to elude Revolution's detection. (The
>names of these files do not contain any special characters.)

I have the same question as Sarah. Is the problem not being able to 
see the file in the file selection dialog, or not being able to read 
any data from the file?

If it's the former, then don't specify a file type when using the 
"answer file" command. (The scripts in my last mail should both work.)

If you can't read any data from the file, then I can't help, but I'd 
check the script that reads the file.

>I've tested the following ways of encoding the NWE file (the file format
>is uniformly "Text"):
>      Automatic
>      UTF-8
>      ASCII
>      Unicode
>      Western (Mac OS Roman)
>Nothing works. How do you save your files?

I don't use Nisus Writer Express regularly. (I keep updating in the 
hope that it will one day reach its former glory of Mac Classic 
days.) But for this test, I saved using "automatic". But I noticed 
some strange behavior. After saving as text and then editing a little 
(adding styles, etc) and  then doing a regular save, the file 
wouldn't show from answer file in Rev when using "TEXT" as the file 
type. But this only happened once. I tried repeating the procedure 
and this time it showed. It looks like there are may be some gremlins 
in the way Nisus sets the file type on saves.


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