Custom Properties and Syntax Question

David Burgun dburgun at
Wed Apr 7 06:00:48 EDT 2004

>>(Where cMaxValue is a Custom Property of the current Field)
>>But I get Errors, so my question is, how to I address 
>>CustomProperties and how do I address the current field?
>Do this:
>on closeField
>    if  me > the cMaxValue of me then
>        put the cMaxValue of me into field the FieldPageNumber
>        beep
>    end if
>end closefield
>Note the shortcut "me", which resolves to the content of that field 
>(Hey, it's me! ;-)
>and "the cMaxValue of me" since the field is the "owner" of that customprop...
>Customprops always have to be referred to with:
>THE name_of_cp OF name_of_owner
>Hope that helps...

Yes, that helps a lot. So would this work?

>        put the cMaxValue of me into me

To replace the contents "FieldPageNumber" ?

Thanks Again

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